Sunday, 5 June 2011

Field Maple and a Sweet Treasure

Toward the end of last year I attended a full day Masters Workshop at Stuart Mortimer's house (he's the Master, not us) where he turned a type of wood that I had never seen before - FIeld Maple.

He took a 6inch diameter piece of wet (5 months down) trunk wood which was without blemish and made a hollow form out of it, intending to use it for carving on once it was dry. Holding the hollow form after that part of the demo, I was struck by the beauty of the grain, and have looked for an apportunity to turn some since then.

As you will have seen earlier on in this blog - Jaime came home with a log of wood that could be field maple, we are not sure, but anyway - to get back to the story...

My friend Rich who works for a ultility company and is involved in clearing areas called me and asked if I would be interested in some field maple - he had cut a piece that was covered by burrs and it seemed a waste not to use it.

Who could refuse?!   A trip half way across the bottom of the country (very pleasant and worthwhile on it's own for refreshing the soul) found me with a couple of pieces of lovely burr wood, Two of which I cut up into knife scales for Rich and the other of which is still waiting my attention.

One one of the pieces I cut up there was a piece of burr wood that would not make any sensible sized scales. This is the little piece I turned for my own pleasure. And here it is - my little treasure of Field Maple Burr.  A little under 4 x 2.5 inches in size, turned wet and finished with a bit of sanding sealer and wax.